
Vanilla Planifolia
This delicious spice contains trace minerals and a vitamin B complex which promotes glowing skin. It also contains powerful soothing anti-oxidant properties as well as B vitamins, niacin, thiamin, riboflavin, and pantothenic acid. The scent is incredibly calming and increases your sense of happiness, hence why it is used in aromatherapy for relaxation.
The origin of the Tahitian vanilla orchid has long eluded botanists. The orchid is found to exist only in cultivation; natural, wild populations have never been encountered. Now, a team of investigators claims to have traced Tahitian vanilla back to its true origins. The researchers argue that Tahitian vanilla began its evolutionary journey as a pre-Columbian Maya cultivar inside the tropical forests of Guatemala. Vanilla is so much more than the most common ice-cream flavor. The Maya used to use vanilla beans to flavor their cacao drinks. Vanilla is used in many forms and at Tierra & Lava we use the vanilla bean, vanilla extract and vanilla absolute.
There are three local communities in the Laguna Lachua area who grow and harvest the vanilla as part of the Chikach cooperative. It is then cured by Chikach and we source our vanilla beans here.